Mike Clark's Daily Blog
I woke up sick Sunday morning so called Ezdras to preach for me. He was more ill then I was so I preached & he slept. Today, Monday, we will pay for the land & sign the contract if there are no glitches. Our lawyer says all is…
Still suffering!
Fernando’s surgery was successful. Would you believe the surgery cost only $300? Little Mateo was in the hospital for 2 days but has returned. With the changes in dorm parents we want to reward the kids who demonstrate good behavior with an excursion or special meal each month.…
More reasons we suffer
OLIVIA I had my 3-month examination, complete neurological, & my surgeon said that he had not seen anyone my age or even 60 recover so well. To God be the glory! He took off the metal brace I wore for 3 months & I have a more…
Olivia God continues to allow us to build churches. Today we were blessed to finish another church. I do not mention it often but we can build a church for $5,000 and now we need to build a pastor a home for him and his large family. They…
Bus Violence
Tuesday a bus driver was killed in the city and this morning I woke up to phone calls from teachers there had been another driver killed between Patzun and Chimaltenango and 6 of my elementary teachers were stuck as the population was rioting. Their anger was directed…
Much Talk
We received 4 new children today ages 14, 12, 8 and 7. One team is having VBS for the younger children each afternoon, a carnival on Wed. with two evening movies, a morning of sports for the older boys and the following day for girls, removing concrete as…
Fruit Basket Turnover
Those who have come to Casa for years will find a surprise soon as we are switching Billy & Olga from Estrellitas to Doncillias with Oseas and Olga taking Estrellitas. Jim & Kate are moving to Esperanza with Alex and Sara going to Buen Pastor. Billy will…
Good day
The baptism went very well with a rage number of chidden testifying by baptism that they want to live a new life in Christ. Teams continue to come and go so we are praying that the inspections will hold off until walter is well enough to return. So…
Water baptism
Sunday morning we will have water baptism for the children who have received Christ and understand the meaning of baptism. Our short vacation went too swiftly but I did did away from the duly responsibility and rest some. We continue to have groups visiting from the states and…
Yesterday I was 71 years old and my back has been very painful for a few days. I cannot remember lifting anything so I do not know why. Gladys emailed to say that we received a young 11 year old boy.
Last week a precious Christian from India where her father is a Baptist pastor left our place with the Arkansas team and when they arrived in Houston the authorities immediately put her on an airplane to India. She had not reviewed her Visa although she is a…
One of the babies was in the hospital & our older girls take turns staying overnight with her. erica did not return from her shift so Anna Ruth and Candida went to look for her. She had fallen asleep on the bus from Antigua and rode all the…
Unusual Summer
Walter is at his home but still not able to remember much that has happened prior to the accident. Pray with us that he will recover soon. The Americans have been awesome getting us ready for the inspections and now with Walter's injuries we are all hard…
Many of you know Walter who serves Casa as director. He was returning from court with two children when he was run off the road & into a concrete and metal structure. He was taken to the hospital and although he had nothing broken he sustained a deep…
Birthday Pain
I accidentally published a blank page. I preached twice and later pain became intense. But I actually am doing well. Although I do not feel like writing a lesson. Forgive me please! Dottie always celebrates birthdays for the younger girls and today there were 12 who were…
Team players
You can see that the brace I have to wear makes me look huge. It is that time of the year when I am enrolling the university students for the next semester. The teams will have a flag football game with our kids for July 4th. The physician…
Three truths if we are to win
Walter, our general director & such a dear friend, lost his mother who passed away in California. His dad said “The angels came and she flew away”. She was a Christian so Walter will be with her again some day. He is a gift from God to Casa…
Our web page problems
A number of people have contacted Debbie or me and said they are having trouble getting on to their accounts, sponsorship, etc. This is a situation that our server is working on and assures us will be corrected in 2 to 3 weeks. I am so sorry. Another…
He arrived!
Keiser arrived! He is not 6 he is nearly 8 and the size of a 5 year old. He just ate so much when he arrived and seems to be so happy with Aroldo and the other children on dialysis. We also received 3 year old Jimena…