Mike Clark's Daily Blog
Our boys were playing soccer and the Maryland team went to watch and one of the players had a heart attack and died. Three members of the team had medical backgrounds and tried to save him. Estella and Jessica worked on items for the board as well as…
35th Celebration
We had a very special day celebrating the 35th anniversary of the founding of Casa. They asked me to share with the children how God brought us to Guatemala and that always is a blessing because I get to brag on the Lord. David Beam came by with…
God rewarded Heidy
Heidy has been here for years. She graduated from college and for the last 4 years has been our purchaser. All food and supplies she has ordered and done a wonderful job. So much so that a major business hired her to be their purchasing agent. She will…
Jorge was our first child given to us by the courts. He is also the one who convinced me to build churches. He died at age 22. Our nephew, Matt, and his wife arrived with our board members and Rick and his wife. I have not seen Matt…
Sweet Dreams
I woke up feeling very weak so I decided to have a ¨me¨day. I read my Bible for a couple of hours then I listened to Christian Biographies beginning with Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Dottie went with Heidy and Adela to buy groceries. Ted and Lori are here and Jessica…
A Crippled Hand
The man who led me to Christ and birthed this ministry. My father-in-law. JW Buckner. A 2-month-old baby was abandoned on the Mexican border and he has a crippled hand. The authorities believe it was deliberately injured by the mother. The authorities believe his mother was traveling to…
Busy season
Can you guess who this 10th grader is? The team is staying busy and another large team is arriving Friday. Sunday we are celebrating the 35th anniversary of the birth of Casa. The board will be here and there are special words by some of the older children…
Heidy and Danilo
Laboratory technicians from San Lucas came to take blood, feces and urine from all workers and older children. The Mobile team is mostly teenagers so Oscar has them in groups pressure washing the baby dorm, arranging the school classrooms and the bodegas. Adam brought his team to Casa…
Mobile team
A team of 35 with Macy, from Mobile, Ala. arrived for a week. The boys who work for Dottie had to cut down and dig up the roots of a large tree so that we can remove two walls to extend the construction of the new house. A…
Needs surgery
We have a young girl who needs surgery and a prosthesis for her leg. The surgery is $2000 and we yet to have the price of the prostheses but should you want to help we would certainly appreciate it. Yesterday was our 61st wedding anniversary. It has been…
Another baby
A judge called and will be sending us a two-month-old little boy. He was found with the umbilical cord still attached. Our new dentist cleaned my teeth and ¨Look mom, no cavities¨. Brennen and JoseMaria came to walk Dottie and me through the construction of our new living…
Sharon sewing
Adela, who has lived in our house for 8 years caring for Michelle and helping Dottie went to her village today. Her family is deeding her a portion of land, so she is excited. Our passports are about to expire so we have someone working of renewing them.…
No one won the bet
In about 10 days we will celebrate Dottie and my arrival in Guatemala in 1989. That was 35 years ago. My church in Lake Charles had odds on how long we would stay in Guatemala, and no one won. No one said we would stay here longer than…
Leaving transition
Three of the older young people have transitioned out of the transition program. They are ready to face the world. At least I am praying that they are ready. Dottie and I drove to Guatemala City to buy some items that Dottie needed. We do not travel often.…
One of our girls began university Friday in social work. Just like the USA she was ridiculed by a liberal teacher of philosophy for being a Christian and even told she would probably not pass the course. She came home in tears. We will change her to a…
Good Government Report
Our passports are near expiration, so Estella has a lawyer helping us. I pray every day for children to receive Christ because I believe that is the real reason they come to Casa. We got the report following the CNA inspection and it was excellent. It was so…
Two young teens
The kids got off to college and it was a 13-hour day so they came back exhausted with some feeling good about their classes and others feeling shook up. We probably need to use a second bus as we have so many college students. The weather is so…
35 years ago today!!!
Thirty-five years ago, today we crossed the border into Guatemala. I was scared to death. I had no faith nor peace then God spoke. ¨Mike, what you need you have, what you do not have you do not need¨. He has been so faithful to that promise. The…
CNA, the governing agency over all children’s homes began their first inspection of the year and we feel that we have done as much as we can to comply with the hundreds of regulations. Pray for favor with them over these two days. Twenty-five college students will begin…
No stroke–just stress
I had a physical today & it appears everything is fine. Then I saw a neurologist & he said heart, lungs etc. were fine but my body is so tensed and stressed. I have another appointment on Monday. He will look deeper. We need a vacation. But that…