Mike Clark's Daily Blog
Epaphroditus 2
Dottie and I are so computor dumb. I finally had to get instructions from Tim just to get our phone on wi-fi so we can stay in contact with everyone. Dottie is staying in contact with Gladys concerning Michelle. She, Estela and Analy are the care givers for…
Mariela and myself as we prepare to walk down the aisle. One of us sure is pretty. Monday night about 11:30 Dottie was up with acid reflex & after nearly an hour I said that we might as well head East. She agreed & at 1am we…
Lake Charles
Ana holding Mateo next to Fernando and daughter Andrea. We left Guatemala City at 7am & were in Lake Charles before 1:30pm. Malcolm met us at the airport and was as bad as Dottie in that he would not let me carry anything. Debbie was waiting at the…
Bubba and Sandra celebrate their wedding anniversary in Antigua. Although married Sandra has maintained the highest grade point average of all the university students. Bubba is working full time, going to the university and has made me proud as he has become a faithful and loving…
Mario and Mariella
Mario and Mariela Josue' & Gladys picked up 3 brothers at court. Mario, age 12, was here for a long time but sent home by the judge last year. His mother passed away so he and his younger brothers, Roberto, age 4, and Juan, age 7. After…
Happiness comes when a child feels safe. If there is anything that I want for the children it is the feeling of safety. To know that no one will harm you or abandon you should be the basic right of every child. We received a phone call late…
Rocio was so terribly visually impaired & she is now so blessed and excited that she can now see. We are hurrying and scurrying to get everything done. Jim left today and Lucy arrived to watch our home while we are gone. Dottie is doing the flowers &…
The weather
The boys helping me with the new shelving Juan constructed for our Christmas bodega. The weather in the deep south has cancelled CJ and the electrician's trip tp work on the dialysis unit until Friday. Lucy's flight is still scheduled for Thursday. Josue' & Estella arrived to help…
Eye Surgery
The photo shows Reina, Lucero, David & Rocio preparing for the return trip to Los Encuentra The eye surgery although they did not return to Casa until after midnight and then Josue' took them at 7:30am back to Los Encuentras (80 - 90 miles) for the post-op examinations. All…
If you have receiving my journals by email you must now go to the new site and click on Mike's blog. Two new brothers, Luis & Jose' Roberto, 9 & 11 arrived. Dottie and I celebrated our 51st wedding anniversary by going to the bank & buying school…
An Optical Miracle
Today 8 of our children went to get eyes examined for surgery Monday morning. When they arrived there were hundreds of kids and the US optometrists said they would only select 6. Four of the 6 are our children. Ezdras returned from the states & a church is…
Wendy singing
Wendy who is on dialysis sang last night in front of all of the children, teens and adults. Part of the song was "With my life I will adore you". It was probably one of the top 10 spiritual experiences in my life. She has a death sentence…
What do we give up?
Tonight was our vigilia of praise, prayer, preaching and dramas. An optical surgical team will look at 6 of our children as well as Patty and Olga and decide if they will do surgery on Monday. The Americans have done an excellant job on walls for the dialysis…
New website
Today we spoke via Skype with the Downtown Fayetteville Rotary Club concerning the Telemedicine project. The weather there was 6 degrees with 7" of snow and still falling. We received a new little boy, Milton, age 12. As you read this you are on the new website and…
The banking system went down today. at least on our banks, so I was scurrying around trying to get money transferred, etc. The teams were able to dig out 50 feet of concrete & locate the drains so they connected the lines into the dialysis unit while others…
The teams tore up concrete for thedrains in the dialysis building. Dottie and the women had their montholy time of porayer, Bible study and food. I went to the hospitl & got my MRI on disc so I can send it to Dr Hines.
I have gotten so clumsy in my old age. I nearly cut off my thumb on a table saw doing some things for Dottie this morning. Tim & Aroldo were able to sew it back but there is a huge piece missing. Tony is finishing the sponsor letters…
The boys in our house are building a little pen so that the puppies who are now walking can exercise.I am trying to get everything ready for Tim before we leave. Tony is trying to get all of the sponsor letters done so we can take them with…
This was a good Sunday. Dozens of teenagers responded to the altar call. I spent the afternoon studying more about the 12 Minor Prophets. Dottie and the other women had a shower for Mariella as her wedding to Mario approaches. I only have about a dozen university still…