Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

First day of school

Tony who has lived with us since he was young and now is in college will be teaching computer in our school to the elementary classes. That is 3 of our young adults teaching in our school. Today was the first day of school here at Casa. We…


The banquet was wonderful, and I pray Dr. Lou was able to raise a lot of money for his kidney ministry. San Juan Hospital in Guatemala City has not had electricity for 6 days and 5 deaths have occurred. San Juan has dialysis for those over 18 while…

Dr Lou banquet

Aroldo, Dr. Lou, his wife and us at the banquet We attended a Dinner of the Kidney fund raiser Wednesday night. Aroldo, Dottie and I attended. We were guests of Dr. Lou whom we have known for many years and we support him $1200 each month to help…

Accident near us My time with the 5 couples over 18 who are in male/female relationship went well. We woke up this morning to very cold weather. I understand most of the USA has horrible weather including Lake Charles. Orlando will be paying the monthly tuition, books and…

Do not compromise

Dottie and I drove to the city for medicine and then I taught my devotional class at 1:30 and then met with the 5 couples over 18 years of age who I gave permission to date. Relationships should draw you closer to Christ, not closer to sin. Do…


We prayed for the 35 college students, and for my first sermon of 2024. I taught on Love Originates in God. Dottie needed some plants so we went to get what she wanted. We have a dating contract for couples 18 and older so I will meet with…

Mynor Orlando

Our son, Mynor Orlando, will be overseeing the university students. He, Tony & Quique ran wiring and installed 14 computers in the school. There are 35 college students with 14 owning their own computer. So the remaining 21 will share the remaining 14 computers. This is one of…

New staff interviews

Tony, age 25, college student who has lived in our house for years We are interviewing two pediatricians to fulfill one requirement by the government. We hired a new social worker giving us 4 social workers and we already have 5 psychologists. So we are one Social Worker…

Land Taxes

Vanessa (dorm parent) Orlando is preparing all the computers for the new university students as well as the high school students. There seems to be an excitement about the new school year. Two teachers are Abraham and Shirley both of whom were raised at Casa. I want to…

Moving dorms

I had trouble with my banking so I had to have an outside person come fix it. The children changed dorms as we do each year as the kids age. It usually takes all day. We are looking for someone to teach English to our incoming teachers. One…

Built a computer

Quique and his self-built computer Quique went a long way into the mountains to visit his father who is ill. Before he left, he and Minor built a computer for Quique. It is beautiful. Young folks are so much smarter than we were 64 years ago. Well, 2024…


Celia making the mashed potatoes for the Christmas dinner Every dorm prepared a meal for 10 to midnight which is a tradition for New Year's Eve. Michelle has been sleeping on our couch since Adela is visiting her family. Amilcar, college student, is staying with us since all…


It is amazing how quickly 2023 passed by. As Dottie and I enter our 81st birthday year as well as our 61st year of marriage and 35th year in Guatemala we still look forward to whatever God has in store for our future. After the year we just…

Communion and music

Three cooks: Blanca, me and Candida Heidy had her Christian musical presentation and Sunday morning we will have The Lord`s Supper. When Monday arrives everyone will be focused on the new school year. We have bought lots of school supplies but need more. The uniforms are coming along.…

Second group

Candida, Jakelyn and Estella cooking corn and string beans Adela went home for a week with the second group of youth 18 and older so Heidy is caring for Michelle. Dottie had a very rough night as she has difficult walking. She left the dinner early. Some of…


Cristmas dinner a few days late The Christmas dinner was so good. Butterball turkey with lots of trimmings. This is a tradition that the children really enjoy. Lots of laughter! Daniel (dialysis) was to have kidney surgery this morning, but he had a seizure before they started. Please…

Andreas preached

Andreas preached our Wednesday night service. Tomorrow night we will celebrate the Christmas dinner (a week late) for the children. My sister felt well enough to visit her daughters in Dallas. My sister Charlotte and family. She is being strong.

Dottie read and I slept

All the villages around us set off a volume of fireworks at midnight. I slept through it all. Dottie got up and read her Bible until the 2-hour display was over. We snuck off for breakfast and alone time. It is hard to imagine another year is about…

Tony and Lily

Granddaughter Arya Iput in ear plugs as the children had sparklers for the little one and progressed up to large fire works. I heard nothing but Dottie heard everything. The usual tradition in Guatemala is a typical Mayan meal near midnight. I missed that also. We ate lunch…

No one died

We had Sunday dinner yesterday with Esvin and Flor. The young people over 18 years were allowed to go home either 4 days for Christmas or 4 days for New Years. Mariela was adopted from Casa years ago and yesterday she was married to Carlos. Both of them…