Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Themes of hope

Our granddaughter Aria(Pretty like her Grandpa! The teams that have come have been such a blessing. The dialysis children are so happy in their new living quarters. I share with the older boys who come to talk about their faith that there are 4 themes of hope. Healthy…


I spoke on encouragement for those who are suffering. What happened to the world I grew up in? Jesus and prayer have been removed from almost all walks of life. Parentless children and an unbelievable decrease in church attendance. We need to be looking up because the events…


Someone told me that hope is a walking dream. As I age and am 80 years old I read a lot. Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. Orlando, Tony and I worked on the sponsor lists now that kids are…


Andreas preached Wednesday evening. We are blessed to have at least 5 preachers on staff. We received a brand new car for dialysis so the children can be taken to the hospital. Hope is a natural product of the Christian life. Knowing that God is at work and…

I am still high

My back is really hurting ever since the hotel with the girls. I loaded the luggage into my truck and evidently pulled something. I would appreciate your prayers. I am still high on the dialysis clinic. I was concerned these last 8 years we would never get it…

Orlando and Tony

I had to get a new computer and both Dottie and I needed new phones. They were over 10 years old. Orlando and Quique set them up. I love my sister and was going to visit here in Louisiana but someone was able to get my credit card…

A Big Hug

I am still so high following the dedication of the Anthony House yesterday. Waiting has never been easy for me yet over 12 years have passed since we began the dialysis building. It is so wonderful. I am so proud of Aroldo and everyone who supported and is…

Beautiful dedication

It was Aroldo's day as we dedicated the Anthony Dialysis house. I am so proud of him. For 17 years he has dreamed of the day we would open the dialysis house. He has such compassion for these sick children. He is truly a man of God and…

Cold but we are determined

I preached on the promises of God. With the dedication of the dialysis clinic (from here on known as the Anthony House) it demonstrates God may not work on our schedule but only in His timing. Waiting is a pressure when so many think you are pipe dreaming.…


We have been blessed to have the dialysis ministry for 17 years. Sadly of the 25 children we have had 17 of them have passed away. We know that without a doubt 16 of the 17 were Christians. I thank God for Aroldo's heart for these children. He…


The new dialysis girl is having seizures and is critical. Please pray for her. The weather continues to very cold. Board members Jessica and Estella arrived. Tim, Ted, Jim and Rex have each had an activity with different groups this week. Me, Yusvely and Dottie in the hotel

Too cold to move

Aroldo is having to move the dialysis children to the new facility on Saturday because today and Friday will be freezing. Monday we will still dedicate the building. Dr. Lou whom we have worked with for years is now chief of the largest hospital in Guatemala. So we…

Great trip

Marlin and Anna are helping us so it is much easier. Of course leaving at noon was a sad time for the girls as well as for Dottie and myself. But we had fun. Christine ministered in the evening. Thursday we are moving the dialysis children to the…

Just fun

I had trouble with my computer so I had to call Minor, my son, to come to the hotel in bad weather and traffic. The girls loved swimming the last two days. But they loved shopping more than anything. Sponsors, friends and family gave them extra money so…

The hotel

The fifteen year old girls were so excited so we stopped on the way to the hotel. We got there 4 hours before checkin but the boss let me have a suite so the girls put all their things in that room and we toured, ate and then…

God moved in our midst

Ezdras and Marlin Estephanie who were house parents a few years ago returned today as house parents in Buen Pastor which is the older boys. Cristine gave her testimony. The Holy Spirit moved mightily with many children making decisions. Gladys took 4 children to attend the funeral…


The dialysis building is 90% ready. Only some shelves need to be installed. So within 10 days we should be moving the children. Dr, Lou has 4 more dialysis patients ready to come to Casa. I gave my testimony which I am always amazed as to how many…

Graduation Day

Graduation, Quienceaneras went off with hardly a hiccup. The end of school and the start of another stage in their lives. My grandson, Moses, will study psychology just like his grandpaw. There were 11 girls presented and they were beautiful. WE will be taking them to the hotel…

Flowers and hair spray

Tim's team arrived yesterday and began rebuilding two bathrooms in Estrellitas. Dottie, Quique, Marlin, Mynor and I went and bought the flowers in the market in Antigua. In the afternoon the girls each made their own bouquets. They have so much fun doing the things leading up to…


Today we went into overdrive as we began practicing and walking through the various graduations and the presentation of the quinceaneras. We still have some folks coming from the states. The blockades are not near the city so travels to and from Casa is no longer a problem.…