Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Flowers and hair spray

Tim's team arrived yesterday and began rebuilding two bathrooms in Estrellitas. Dottie, Quique, Marlin, Mynor and I went and bought the flowers in the market in Antigua. In the afternoon the girls each made their own bouquets. They have so much fun doing the things leading up to…


Today we went into overdrive as we began practicing and walking through the various graduations and the presentation of the quinceaneras. We still have some folks coming from the states. The blockades are not near the city so travels to and from Casa is no longer a problem.…

Dottie is too busy

Dottie has been so busy with making bows, getting the gowns clean, gathering the hair spray, etc. for each girl, buying the flowers, buying the food for 3 days at the hotel for the 17 of us and many other things. At 80 she is working too hard.…


People have been arriving for graduation and the girl's celebration. No one has had trouble with the traffic from the airport. We will have 6 hair stylists come Friday at 3:30am to fix the girl's hair. That is always a major part for the girls. People are responding…


Today was visiting day and it was cold. Folks are arriving to celebrate graduations and quinceaneras this coming Friday. Tonight I was to speak on the promises of God. His Word is always true although it does not always happen on our timetable. When God promised 100 year…

Debbie and Cindy

Tony, Mynor, Dottie and I went to buy the groceries for the 15 year old girls going to the hotel with us after graduation. There were no blockades or heavy traffic so we were blessed. Sheldon and family arrived Friday. Debbie, my secretary for 42 years, and Cindy…


Friday Dottie and I were going to the city to buy the food for the quinceaneras only to discover the highway was blocked from kilometer 40 (we live at km32) all the way int0 Guatemala City to Km 0. It was a march by thousands of people. It…

Genesis 6:11 “HAMAS” 

Genesis 6:11 says "the earth was filled with violence. That word, violence, in Hebrew is HAMAS. Christians need to be aware that this violence brought the flood. I am no prophet but we need to be alert to hearing God's voice. Alex who teaches music to our children…

Dialysis “Here we go!!”

The situation world wide is a powder keg and we as Christians need to fast and pray that this powder keg will not explode. I went to the bank to get the money for the upcoming three days in a hotel for the girls following graduation. The bank…

I am so grateful

I have no way to get thank you cards to those of you who help us but be sure we are grateful. I believe that the blockades are coming to an end. We have been receiving checks weekly designated for the dialysis clinic. No gift is too small…

The big day

There are only 17 roadblocks with only one of those in Guatemala City but not near us. Other major cities are being targeted. Mike and Pam arrived. The technicians installing the new generator cut power for 3 hours. Now that school is out the 15 year old…

A Good Friend

I preached on finding and being a good friend. Being 80 years old allows me to look back in time and see how many friends I have buried. Jess said,"I will no longer call you servant. I will call you friend. " With no male American staff I…

Water emergency

Heidy was able to get some of the food providers to come during the night and bring vegetables and eggs but the providers are using the blockades as an excuse to raise prices. We need your prayers as this puts us over our food budget. I believe there…

Electricity for all of the property

The nearly 3000 pound generator is nearly in place. It took a very large group of technicians to put it in place. This generator will operate the entire property including the dialysis clinic on the back property. There are still over 80 blockades today. The children finished their…

Baking class

We are getting very low in food for the children as blockades continue. There are 97 blockades today. It is critical that we can find food. (As I typed this a call came that they were opening a lane for people to go to the grocery store so…

Beautiful Bows

Dottie has been making 2 or 3 bows for the girls evening gowns for quienceameras. Vanessa came to help for one month in a dorm. There are still blockades but they are staying all day. They actually open for 2 hours for people to purchase groceries. Blockade near…

Wake up America

Christians wake up! Many Americans are backing Palestine against Israel. The Bible says before Jesus returns not one nation will support Israel. Remember this all began between Jacob and Esau. Bible truth is before our eyes. The Guatemalan president gave a speech last night so now some of…

100s of blockades

The country is under lockdown in almost every state throughout Guatemala. Our kids were to start finals today but now the teachers will prepare the tests in their home and the students will take their tests on line. On the world scene we can see that Israel is…

Too much information

The airport closed for a time Saturday but Estella and her family changed their flight until 3am Sunday. The government announced a nation wide, shut-down-everything strike for Monday. That affects us because Monday mornings are when we receive our food for the week. Gas stations are out of…

Blockades continue

48 blockades are still all over the country. Our college students were able to have on-line classes. Hamas attacked Israel killing many and taking many hostages. Palestine is asking all enemies of Israel to join the fight in order to destroy Israel. Dottie began making the bows for…