Mike Clark's Daily Blog
We are cleaning the blue building in a major way so the children will eat in their dorms for the next two weeks and we will have church in the baby dorm. Dottie and I are still shocked by yesterday’s diagnosis. Teddie from Grand Bay, Al. has a…
I would do it all over again(61years) Last night Dottie did not want to bother me, so she tried to get up, but she fell between the bed and the nightstand. She was not hurt badly but she scared me. She is so weak but tries to do…
I finished the two-week lesson on Mercy. I chose 15 areas where God has met me with His mercy when I deserved judgment. We had several young people come to Bible who were raised here and brought their spouses and children to see Dottie. Dottie and I are…
Orlando tricked me into going for a pedicure, haircut and refreshment. He had planned with Adela and Quique to stay with Dottie so I would get out of the house for the first time in over a month. Of course I had taken Dottie for her surgery and…
Our granddaughter
Tony and Lily had to get an ambulance in the middle of the night and rush Arya to the hospital. They kept her so Lily is with her. The symptoms are indicating indicate dingue fever. Dottie is not improving so we are praying that the additional tests Monday…
Playing Catch
Dottie enjoyed her wheelchair ride yesterday, so we did it again. We are just killing time until the final medical exams come next Monday. The results will tell us where she is physically. It is obvious that she has not improved since surgery and is weakening. So it…
Mercy and Grace
I went to sleep last night thinking of the difference between MERCY and GRACE. Mercy is God not giving us what we deserve (Hell) whereas Grace is something God gives us that we do not deserve. (Heaven). One great obstacle to salvation for many people is that they…
Julieta and Dottie
Julietta continues to do an excellent job of physical therapy and Adela is so loving and giving to Dottie. She fixes all meals for us, the two boys who live with us and Michelle. God has surrounded us with older children who love Dottie so much. I cannot…
Dottie was scheduled for an electrocardiogram at the hospital in Chimaltenango so the neurologist has the information from that and the MRI's to hopefully allow us to know what is going on in her body. However, they just called to put the exam off for a week So…
Dental Surgeon
I preached on Mercy and how God has been so kind to me all of my life by allowing me to know His mercy for instance I deserve hell but because I have received Jesus as my Lord He gives me forgiveness and not hell. Martha Barrios who…
Last day of Independence week
Dottie has been remarkable as she is able to walk with her walker and with a little help. She is truly improving. I know there are many, many people who love her and are praying for her. Our marching band followed by all of our students marched in…
Street Market
The electricity was off in San Cristobal due to the storm yesterday. So Josue and Estella had no lights. Estella and Danilo took kitchen workers at 3am to the street market in the city. They bought the food for the week saving 46% of what we pay with…
Multiple medical test
Well ,it was a physically hard day for Dottie as she had multiple blood tests and then they tried the 3 MRI's but one would not work due to metal in her back. We were in the MRI room for 4 hours. Also she had more than 2…
The funeral and the band
The funeral was at 8:30pm Tuesday so very sad for Eduardo's father who was his only family. Orlando, Quique, Samuel and Tony made a power point presentation of him. He was so loved. He played in the band, so the band played two songs at the funeral. Many…
Eduardo is with Jesus
At noon yesterday, Eduardo passed away. He was 15 years old and had suffered so much with kidney disease. He asked God to take him. The funeral service was held here, and I preached. He was in the school band so the band had a a time to…
Dottie is 41 !
The university boys and girls helped us continue to move. The two groups have been so kind to Dottie and me. We took Dottie downstairs in her wheelchair. Tony and Quique moved their beds and clothes to the new addition also. Celia asked Dottie how old she is,…
The devil does not quit
My sermon this morning was "Who we are in Christ". I want so much for all our children to become Christians. But the spiritual warfare seems to have gotten worst. The world has pushed Christ from all areas of life. The last few years have been so stressful…
The Teens are so kind
We began moving books and clothes as well as other items to the new addition. The high school boys and girls helped because the university students had classes. The teens were so helpful and kind. They all volunteered and although we have many things to move, they did…
We need prayer
My granddaughter Keyser has joined Eduardo in the hospital as he has been having rapid weight loss. The dialysis children need so much prayer because as they are aging now at 16 and 17 their bodies are weakening. Can you imagine a neurologist making a house call? The…
Doing better
Our new addition is 95% finished so we will start moving in a few days. With Dottie bedridden it will be difficult for me because I have no idea of decorating a house and getting everything we have gathered in 35 years in Guatemala. The boys went and…