Mike Clark's Daily Blog
Esperanza girls visiting Dottie We adopted Elizabeth when she was two. We knew her birth mother and they reunited when Elizabeth was 18. Yesterday her mother, Nancy, passed away. They had many years together and we are blessed to know that. Never forget the 3 powerful resources you…
Candida and Oscar
Two of my long-time children who grew up here and are on staff have made the decision to move on. Candida is like a daughter to me and is one of our professional nurses but knows it is time for her and her family to move on December…
Today was visiting day for the parents and the weather was very cool. These bi-monthly visits mean so much to parents and child. Dottie slept over 12 hours but is feeling better today although then damage to her hand is painful and slow healing. She is so remarkable.…
Feeling Pain
It is always amazing when the school year ends. After the first weekend of “freedom": some children are saying they are bored. That was never a problem in the 1950s when I was in school. We played, swam and camped out throughout the summer. Dottie had a handful…
Dottie is better
When I woke up Dottie had gotten out from under her cover and was so cold to the touch. Her hand was bleeding slightly. Her skin is so thin. Quique and Adela go to college classes today, so it is just me and Tony with Dottie. Sunday…
Horrible decision
I made a terrible decision in trying to take Dottie to the bathroom. I dropped her and she tore the top of her hand to the bone. Eleven stitches. It was a stupid decision on my part. Guatemalan school finished the school year Thursday, so our kids are…
Dottie felt better today. If laughter is a medicine, she will be healed. For someone so sick. She has a super great attitude. Jessica brought the Missions Director, Ashley, from the Woodlands UMC in The Woodlands Texas and she loves books as much as I do. It is…
Tony’s Award and Character
Dottie slept 13 hours. Jesus says somethings do not change by prayer alone there must be prayer and fasting. When we marry’ we confess “In sickness and in health” and we need to honor that promise. My major areas of prayer are for Dottie’s health, the children’s salvation,…
The Addition
The addition to our home is spacious and beautiful but I want everyone to understand that Casa did not pay for it. Two donors gifted Dottie and I with this “retirement home” and we are very grateful. Dottie is still not able to stand alone nor walk but…
Taking a ride
Every Monday morning at 7:15 we have a conference call with Jerry, Scott and Chuck who live in Mississippi and Alabama. Jerry built the first buildings and constructed over 50% of what Casa now has. We pray together and encourage one another. I honestly do not know what…
Andres preached for me since I was not feeling well. I went to church and enjoyed Andres preaching. A church from San Miguel Petapa came and had an afternoon service with the younger dorms Estrellitas, Cometas, Esperanza down and Vencedores ages 10-12 years old. It was such a…
We do not have a seamstress on property but Tammy who is an America missionary here in Guatemala called and told me that she had seamstresses and would love to help. So that is an answer to prayer. One theme that I have ministered on throughout my 35…
My goals for our children
You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving. My Dad was never a rich man, but he did all he could to see that my siblings and I had what we needed to succeed. I believe I have my father’s heart. I want so much…
Pray with me
As I continued cleaning upstairs, I found the folder where my sister, Virginia, had done a family tree and it goes all the way back to 1760. So, I am blessed to be reading this family tree information and the 1000s of sermons by my father-in-law. How you…
Thousands of Sermons
The children are taking finals this week so there is a lot of joy anticipating graduation and promotions. The team had a party for Estrellitas and then ice cream and games with the toddlers and then ice cream for the girls and ended the day with ice cream…
A tradition ends
Today is Day of the Child which is another holiday in Guatemala that takes the kids out of the classroom. It is ridiculous how many school days are used up with play days. The Alabama team had activities for the children all day long. Dottie is so weak…
Team Activities
Adela following up with Dottie's therapy Dottie had her physical therapy with Julieta and Adela and even though she is sick the three of them just laugh and enjoy the time together. I suppose I talked too much as I shared my testimony and stories for over 2…
4 Parents Saved 
What a great day! Because of work in the blue building, we had Bible services in the baby dorm. It was crowded because it was family visitation day plus a team is here. Josue translated my preaching and for the first time ever we had 4 parents receive…
Still smiling
My granddaughter in the states has been diagnosed with kidney disease so again I ask your prayers for my family. A teenage girl was sent home by the judge against her will and was shot to death yesterday in her home. I wish the courts would at least…
Cold and damp
It rained so very hard for so very long last night. Remember because of work in the dining hall the children are having their meals brought to the dorms. So, it is a challenge. We have a team from Tennessee here. Our college students left at 5am on…