Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Prayer needed for a physical therapist

I have a large need of prayer for Dottie. She needs physical therapy three times a week and we have not been able to find someone to perform this task. The traffic between Chimaltenango and Guatemala City is beyond belief so we ask your prayers for us to…


Board member, Ted, arrived with his wife, Lori. He will stay 2 weeks while she will be here for one. Dottie continues to improve. We are searching for a physical therapist. Dottie walked around the living room twice so it is little by little. My life seemingly has…

Day of the Corn

The Day of the Corn is a day celebrating the importance of corn to the nation of Guatemala. It is celebrated in every school in the nation. Corn has been the main crop for eating, selling and bartering for centuries. It is said that in Mesoamerica 9000 years…


Doesn't Dottie look great so soon after major surgery? Monday was Guatemalan Culture Day so our school children wore indigenous clothing. They performed traditional dances, provided traditional food, played indigenous games, sung Mayan songs and many other projects. The Maryland team left so we are without visitors today.…


Adela and Marlin help Dottie and I so much. My prayer time with Jerry, Chuck and Scott back in the USA was very special. They encouraged me so much as every Monday morning we zoom and share a Word and pray for our children and one another. They…

12 hours of sleep

Orlando, Tony and Quique help me with Dottie. Saturday night I slept for 12 hours while Tony took gave Dottie´s medicine to her throughout the night and he and Quique took her to the restroom. They love her so much and would do anything for her. Neither boy…

Dottie is doing well

Dottie is doing so good. She is walking very well. Oscar and Tatiana drove us back to Casa and we are beyond happy. Estella came to sit with me early this morning before we left. We are so blessed by her progress. Tatiana talked with the neurologist,…


So many people were praying for Dottie. James 5:14-15 says if anyone among you is sick let him call for the elders of the church to pray. We are so blessed that so many of you believe those Words. Dottie had a very comfotcable night with almost no…


We arrived at noon at the hospital. Oscar drove and Tatiana will stay with me although they do not allow but one person in the room. Many people contacted me to say they were praying, and I must admit I am nervous for her surgery because of her…

Surgery today

When you are reading this we are on the way to the hospital for surgery tonight at 5pm. So, Dottie and I would appreciate you thinking and praying for her. Although Dottie is getting weaker daily, she is so excited about the surgery, and we are praying for…

A snake

The neurologist said Dottie will need physical therapy for 3 to 6 months. So, this will still be a long process. Omar found a snake on the soccer field, and it is identified as a python. They did not catch it, so we have a snake hunt in…

My prayer partners

Jerry, Scott, Chuck and I had our regular Monday morning prayer time, and you cannot imagine how wonderful it is to pray for our families and our needs together. Dottie's surgery is scheduled for Thursday. Living in Guatemala gives me a big disconnect from family and friends, but…

Silver dollar pancakes

Larry and his silver dollar pamcakes I preached Sunday morning on how to read the Bible. I chose 10 ways to read and taught 5 today. They are Read Prayerfully, Read Carefully, Read Hungrily, Read Daily and Read Attentively. Jeremy arrived last night from Oklahoma and a Maryland…

Our grandchildren left

My granddaughter, Katie, celebrating her 15th birthday in Antigua. Dottie had a rough night as when i took her to the rest room one foot would not move. We are blessed that she is cleared for surgery, and she is so anxious to have it done. So many…

Good to go!

I want to thank you for your prayers for Casa and especially for Dottie. Today we took Dottie to see the cardiologist. Oscar and Tatiana went with us. Saturday the anesthesiologist will come to our house to check Dottie and if he says all is well, we will…

Dottie asks for prayer

We have all the blood tests finished and the EKG completed. Dottie will see the cardiologist Friday and the internist on Saturday and if all is well, we will schedule the surgery. She has been sleeping for hours each day. The Feiie team from Wisconsin arrives today with…

My portion forever

Eduardo continues to be critical. He is in ICU awaiting surgery to stop the internal bleeding. His blood pressure is extremely low. Dottie's anesthesiologist and internist sent us a list of exams to have done in preparation for her surgery next week. Dottie is weak but anxious for…

Good times

The last two months have really been a blessing for the children. The visiting teams provided so much joy and love as well as personal time with the children. Josue and Estella are making a huge difference as we are trying to recover from a difficult 2023. My…

Health Department

The children were so blessed by the teams last week. The four teams ministered to the children as Dottie and I were both struggling physically. This is a busy week for Dottie as she will have all the blood work done for her upcoming surgery and Friday a…


We did something that we have never done in 35 years. Today was visiting day so we had a regular Sunday morning service, and the parents attended and sat with the children. Mario led worship then Walt and Ezdras sang. I spoke on Psalm 46 which teaches us…