Our Blog
How to live in faith
Dr. Hines & his group brought more instruments & machines for our clinic so they helped kids all day. They even cooked crawfish for us. Dottie & the staff women went out to dinner elsewhere so I received Dottie's share of the crawfish. We will have a water…
His promises
The Woodlands continue to provide for the different dorms. Josh & Carla are staying busy with whatever is necessarery & Dr. Hines group arrives late tonight to help with the medical needs in the clinic. So we are busy. Tim is down with his knee & I am…
Wait on the Lord
We had a local church come and provided games and snacks for all of the children. Two of my older girls had male friends visit for me to "approve" as boyfriends. The Woodlands had a program for the older girls while Dr. Hines's team, Louisiana is delayed at…
How to be happy
The Woodlands, Tx team arrived. The women will stay at Casa and the men will work in a village. I was able to share part of my testimony with the men for the first time in all of these year. Tim's surgery was done. We will have to…
How to
I had a emotionally difficult day.  Without your prayers for us I know we could never survive. You must be praying because I have slept 7 hours per night for 2 weeks whereas for the last 3 years I averaged only three hours a night. We received siblings ages…
How to Help Others
We will be starting on the tile floor for the Genesis building as well as finishing the stucco throughout the building and outside walls. In two months the inside will be totally finished and ready for equipment. The mother of two sisters here passed away and that is…
How to pray
Yesterday Aroldo was told the children on hemodialysis can be converted to Peritoneal dialysis meaning 7 machines at our house. The cost will be 44,000 quetzales a month just for the use of the machines excluding medicine, food, etc. If you have ever prayed for us now is…
A second day of not feeling very well! But I did enjoy spending time sharing with the Esperanza girls. They asked such deep questions about my life. I pray it helps them. Estella and Josue' came from the states with 3 of her high school students so they…
On my tombstone
The teams worked on various projects & one group went to Antigua. I felt poorly so Dottie and I took 2 hours "off" and then I rested & had my weekly father-daughter time with Doncilla girls. Another Alabama team arrived yesterday. A few years ago I was…
We have a number of teams here so I preached in Spanish and then English which I truly enjoy doing. I preached on standing in a bean field and doing something that no one else wants to do. Doing the small things makes you large in the eyes…
Fued #5
We also have a Georgia team here & they are spending time with the babies. West Virginia is here and Illinois arrives tonight. Aroldo, Sebastian & a team took the dialysis children to the zoo and Adam took a team to minister on the coast. Cain murdered Abel…
Fued #4
The Lord blessed us with a new 6 year-old girl on dialysis. We alo received a 9 year old little girl. The rains for two days have been merciless and that has affected our job assignments because we were depending on the large teams now here to paint…
Fued #3
Mario & Mariella named their daughter Lisy Rebecca. There were extremely heavy rains last night so the blocks are soaked delaying the teams from painting but they stayed busy with other projects. The First Baptist team went with Adam for a street ministry in Guatemala City. As…
Fueds #2
There will be 137 visitors here tonight. They are helping us as well as doing outreach. Gretchen and Brani are learning so much as to managing teams and work assignments. Mariella, wife of Mario, had their second baby girl today. Fueds are due to one word and…
The teams are doing so much work. The third floor of the Genesis House is almost finished being painted. A load of work has been done on the electrical problems we have had. Then there is cleaning, breaking up concrete and carpentry work being done. It is exciting.…
A road?
Would you believe that Jeremy returned to Casa one week after open-heart surgery? He looks amazing and is only 5 years old. The surgeons did an awesome job. A large team from Texas arrived last night nd they will be painting the Genesis house beginning on the third…
He will not lose one
Today was visiting day for the children and we had many visitors drop by also. I taught twice today so being on my feet that long wears me out but I enjoy it when I can tech in English. One of our teen girls was assaulted on campus…
A Loser
Andres, our son-in-law, preached his first sermon at a church in El Milagro. Both the Texas and Alabama teams left but a team from Georgia did arrive. Another large team arrives tomorrow night from Texas. Romans 16:20 "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your…
The Poor
I arose and walked which is my routine but felt so weak and dizzy I laid down about 8am & awoke at 1pm. This is something I just never do. The school had a wonderful program for all of the children and staff. I am very proud of…
Adam & Vilma arrived yesterday & his dad, Jerry, came with them. So that will help us with the teams coming in. We also received a box of pecs for plumbing & electrical 3-way wire so we are ready to get lots of work done. Also Tim ordered…