Casa Aleluya Blog

Our Blog

Edgar – Never give up

Edgar is an example of a child unwilling to quit, determined to succeed and refusing to see himself as handicapped. He was abandoned by his mother and never knew his father. His grandmother was confined to a wheelchair and begged in the streets. Edgar pushed her amongst the…

Waiting for a Miracle

Jose', Luis, Wendy, Sindy and Marjorie are the 5 children undergoing dialysis. Luis is on a machine for 8 hours each night while the other 4 are having dialysis 4 times a day every day. Our desire is to have each of the children on a machine since that…

A Happy Reunion

Eight years ago, 2004, two young teenage girls arrived at Casa. They were not natural sisters but they became the dearest of friends. Nancy was sent here because her father had passed away and her mother was extremely poor working in a market selling vegetables. Dina had just…

Another Miracle

A number of years ago I was called to our gate and there was a young 14 year old girl standing there, She said "Would you take my sisters?" My answer was "I cannot just take children without paper work from a judge. What about your parents?" She…

A Miracle Reunion

Today is July 2, 2011 and 17 years ago a child who had no name came to Casa. It was deemed to be about 5 years old and the judge named him Byron Rene'. He never knew who he was or who his family was. He has been…

Work of Love

This older boy is Aroldo Alexander Arqueta Ramirez who has been here at Casa for more than 12 years. He is 24 years old and has graduated as a nurse. He works full time with our medical staff as well as attending the university. His desire is to…

Now is the Time

As the children of Casa Aleluya have grown and matured, so too have their faith and their desire to serve one another. What began as a group of ‘backup singers’ for other adult staff worship leaders, has transformed into a charismatic group of about a dozen kids who…

Faith Works

Our lives begin with a miracle and as children we see the miraculous in almost everything we experience. However, as we grow older it seems our eyes and minds focus more on logic and reason than on what God accomplishes daily in our lives. For those of us…

In Memoriam

Byron Vinicio Santos de Leon arrived at Casa Aleluya in January 1996, not yet 11 years old. As he matured, so too did his love for God and his desire to become a doctor. He became fluent in English and served as translator for countless visitors and teams,…

Academic Olympians

While the rest of the world had their eyes on the Olympics in Athens, Greece, we at Casa Aleluya are watching Olympians of a different sort. Each year, Guatemala’s Ministry of Education hosts a competition in Mathematics and Science. The national winner of this competition receives academic scholarship…

Treasure to Last a Lifetime

If you were to walk the grounds of Casa Aleluya, you would find that many of the little faces look similar. It is more obvious in some cases, but you might be astonished by just how many families live in our home. At times, this is surprising when…

Love, Family & Ministry

Curly-haired and handsome, Alexander Candelario Calel Valenzuela has a heart as large as they come. The fifth child to arrive at Casa, Alex came to us in 1989 from Peronia, the 'City of Thieves', where he had lived in abject poverty, abandoned by his father at birth. Sara…

Finding a Complete Joy

"From a single parent household, his mother beat him terribly. The police took him away to another home from which he escaped. He was eventually brought here. His mother is forbidden from seeing him. His only other relative is an aunt who does not visit." While it may…